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RF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_vote_lcapRF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_voting_barRF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_vote_rcap 
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RF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_vote_lcapRF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_voting_barRF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_vote_rcap 
[PS]Revandy (469)
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RF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_vote_lcapRF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_voting_barRF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_vote_rcap 
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RF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_vote_lcapRF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_voting_barRF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_vote_rcap 
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RF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_vote_lcapRF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_voting_barRF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server I_vote_rcap 


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RF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server

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RF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server Empty RF Bizantium Zero Full PvP Server

Post by b11zz4rd Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:33 am

Status server open beta.. 015 
Bizantium mengeluarkan 2 server yaitu OLDIEST dan VENTURA..
Dimana Oldiest kumpulan player baru dan donasi-donasi lama..
... server Ventura pure non donasi tidak ada donasi lama yang mengeclaim barangnya disini dan ada new item disni beda di server Oldiest..

info server Ventura..
server ventura Open Beta tanggal 24 Juli 2013..
bnyak event menarik..

Event First 85-Syarat : Sportif,Jujur [ Dark Armor +7 (8pcs), Dark Weapon +7]-1 Race 4 Pemenang (Warior,Ranger,Force,Special) untuk Acc 2 Spec [ini item terbaru di server ventura]

Event First RL Dan Dewan Kiri-Syarat : Sprotif,Jujur [ Reward RL Armor Dewan +7 8 Piece ] [Reard Dewan Kiri Armor Dewan +6 8 Piece ]

Event First Open Beta 1 Hari Full OBT-Syarat : Masuk Ke Hsk [ Reward GP 3K 1 Slot ]

Event Party Vs Party-Syarat : No Destuck No Tower,Dewan Max 3,No Donate[Reward GP 1K 1 Slot / Orang + PB 3D Dan Belphegor ] Juara 1 St[Reward GP 1K 1 Slot / Orang + PB Dagnu Dan Belphegor ] Juara 2 Nd[Reward GP 1K 1 Slot / Orang + PB Dagan Dan Belphegor ] Juara 3 Rd

Event Kill GM-Syarat : No Destruck No Tower[Reward Armor Dragon +7 8 Piece + Dual OD ]#NB UNTUK DA ITU RENTAL

Event Community-Syarat : Mimal 15 Orang + Lvl Di Atas 80[ Reward Leon 40 + 7 & Dual OD ]Event Mengguasi Elan Selamat 15 Menit-Syarat : Bebas FREEE[Reward PB 3D , Belphegor , Thor ]

#NB Event Yang Reward Pit Boss Di Markas

#NB Reward Community Permanent

#NB Reward Armor RL Dan Dewan Pemanent#NB Untuk Reward Rental Wajib Lapor 1 Hari Sebelum Habis & Jam ! Biila Tidak Lapor = HANGGUS TIDAK BISA DI PAKAI LGI

so lets join us now

Website :http://rf.bizantium.net/index.html

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Patch Masalah Di Map OC Dan Buas :
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Grup Cora : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

LET'S JOIN Dua Jempol


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